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Title Type SJR H index Total Docs. (2023) Total Docs. (3years) Total Refs. (2023) Total Cites (3years) Citable Docs. (3years) Cites / Doc. (2years) Ref. / Doc. (2023) %Female (2023)
1Biophysical ReportsOpen Access journal0.856 Q1729661460136642.0650.3425.58IR
2International Journal of Molecular and Cellular Medicine journal0.573 Q22229581295159582.0544.6650.35IR
3BioImpactsOpen Access journal0.553 Q2475412525753301222.4147.6943.96IR
4Iranian Journal of Basic Medical SciencesOpen Access journal0.484 Q357168584879214115812.2952.3343.89IR
5Iranian Journal of Medical SciencesOpen Access journal0.468 Q2407920222763321661.4928.8147.31IR
6Cell JournalOpen Access journal0.440 Q3409828635435212851.6936.1546.40IR
7Reports of Biochemistry and Molecular BiologyOpen Access journal0.433 Q3184821016203592101.7033.7547.28IR
8Iranian Journal of AgeingOpen Access journal0.382 Q4124811920211851191.5242.1051.76IR
9Avicenna Journal of Medical BiotechnologyOpen Access journal0.380 Q3323712213431981071.1836.3046.58IR
10Iranian Biomedical JournalOpen Access journal0.347 Q3414314812522301471.1729.1248.47IR
11Iranian Journal of Biotechnology journal0.337 Q3303913118872401311.6548.3841.24IR
12Molecular Biology Research Communications journal0.304 Q415186557090641.3331.6754.05IR
13Nanomedicine Research JournalOpen Access journal0.304 Q3203912018192431201.8546.6446.90IR
14Trends in Phytochemical Research journal0.290 Q4818731149109671.8263.8352.27IR
15Applied Food BiotechnologyOpen Access journal0.273 Q32423851023191852.6444.4846.38IR
16Asia Oceania Journal of Nuclear Medicine and BiologyOpen Access journal0.249 Q38268158371810.6722.4226.61IR
17Journal of Applied Biotechnology ReportsOpen Access journal0.234 Q3173313619431481360.8058.8831.97IR
18Middle East Journal of CancerOpen Access journal0.229 Q411652151974962120.4530.3745.22IR
19Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry ResearchOpen Access journal0.227 Q4153310615111331061.2845.7951.00IR
20Iranian Journal of Plant Physiology journal0.201 Q410087086870.600.000.00IR
21Health Biotechnology and Biopharma journal0.173 Q43206675036660.6137.5050.00IR
22Physiology and Pharmacology (Iran)Open Access journal0.148 Q415401172032491140.4050.8055.11IR
Metrics based on Scopus® data as of March 2024
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