Scimago Journal & Country Rank


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Journals can be searched by journal title, ISSN or publisher. When searching by journal title or journal publisher, individual words or exact wording/phrase can be used

Rank Journals. Journal Indicators

Journal sets listed in rankings can be customized by filtering and ranking criteria and applying a lower threshold to the ranking. All these customized journal rankings can be downloaded (excel doc).

Ranking and filtering options include:

Display only Open Access Journals
You can generate rankings only for Open Access Journals. When not applying this filter an image of an open padlock appears next to the journal’s names indicating these are open access journals.
Scopus® Subject Areas and Subject Categories
Journals are assigned to 27 major thematic categories as well as to 309 specific subject categories according to Scopus® Classification. You can use these to narrow the output set.
Regions and countries
Journals can be retrieved for all regions and countries or for each of the regions and countries separately.
Source year for obtained values.
Order by
The result sets can be ranked by every indicator available: SJR, H Index, Total Documents, Total Documents (3 years), Total References, Total Cites (3 years), Citable Documents (3 years), Cites per document (2 years) and Reference per Document.
Display journals with at least
It offers the possibility to set a threshold for the number of citable documents or total cites.

Every journal can be analyzed separately, just click the journal title's link (either from the journal search results or from the journal ranking list) to obtain an individual profile including time series tables and charts to analyze significative metrics of journal performance.
The individual profile offers: the country of the journal, subject area, subject category, publisher, publication type, ISSN, coverage, the scope and different indicators.
Indicators offered for each journal: H Index, Quartiles, SJR, Citations per document (4, 3 and 2 years), Total Cites, Self-Cites, External Cites per Document, Cites per Document, International Collaboration, Citable Documents, Non-Citable Documents, Cites Documents, Uncited Documents.
The series tables and charts offer the evolution of these indicators from 1999 to 2021. On the upper part of every chart there is a plus symbol, which you can click to get the indicator explanation.

Understanding indicators, tables and charts

SJR (SCImago Journal Rank) indicator
It expresses the average number of weighted citations received in the selected year by the documents published in the selected journal in the three previous years, --i.e. weighted citations received in year X to documents published in the journal in years X-1, X-2 and X-3. See detailed description of SJR (PDF).
H Index
The h index expresses the journal's number of articles (h) that have received at least h citations. It quantifies both journal scientific productivity and scientific impact and it is also applicable to scientists, countries, etc. (see H-index wikipedia definition)
Total Documents
Output of the selected period. All types of documents are considered, including citable and non citable documents.
Total Documents (3years)
Published documents in the three previous years (selected year documents are excluded), i.e.when the year X is selected, then X-1, X-2 and X-3 published documents are retrieved. All types of documents are considered, including citable and non citable documents.
Citable Documents (3 years)
Number of citable documents published by a journal in the three previous years (selected year documents are excluded). Exclusively articles, reviews and conference papers are considered.
Non-citable Docs. (Available in the graphics)
Non-citable documents ratio in the period being considered.
Total Cites (3years)
Number of citations received in the seleted year by a journal to the documents published in the three previous years, --i.e. citations received in year X to documents published in years X-1, X-2 and X-3. All types of documents are considered.
Cites per Document (2 years)
Average citations per document in a 2 year period. It is computed considering the number of citations received by a journal in the current year to the documents published in the two previous years, --i.e. citations received in year X to documents published in years X-1 and X-2.
Cites per Document (3 years)
Average citations per document in a 3 year period. It is computed considering the number of citations received by a journal in the current year to the documents published in the three previous years, --i.e. citations received in year X to documents published in years X-1, X-2 and X-3.
Cites per Document (4 years)
Average citations per document in a 4 year period. It is computed considering the number of citations received by a journal in the current year to the documents published in the four previous years, --i.e. citations received in year X to documents published in years X-1, X-2, X-3 and X-4.
Self Cites
Number of journal's self-citations in the seleted year to its own documents published in the three previous years, --i.e. self-citations in year X to documents published in years X-1, X-2 and X-3. All types of documents are considered.
Cited Documents
Number of documents cited at least once in the three previous years, --i.e. years X-1, X-2 and X-3
Uncited Documents
Number of uncited documents in the three previous years, --i.e. years X-1, X-2 and X-3
Total References
It includes all the bibliographical references in a journal in the selected period.
References per Document
Average number of references per document in the selected year.
% International Collaboration
Document ratio whose affiliation includes more than one country address.
% Female Authors
Percentage of female authors.
Documents cited by public policy (Overton)
Number of documents cited by public policy documents according to Overton database.
Documents related to SDGs (UN)
Number of documents related to Sustainable Development Goals defined by United Nations. Available from 2018 onwards.

Countries and World Regions

Find a Country

Countries and regions are easily browsable through the world regions list and country list displayed in Country Rankings.

Rank Countries and World Regions. Country indicators

Country ranks can be customized by filtering and ranking criteria and applying a lower threshold to the ranking. All these customized country rankings can be downloaded (excel doc).

Ranking and filtering options include:

Scopus® Subject Areas and Subject Categories
Journals are assigned to 27 major thematic categories as well as to 309 specific subject categories according to Scopus® Classification. You can use these to narrow the output set
Eight Wajor World Regions in which we have splitted the world to facilitate sectorial analyses
Source year for obtained values
Order by
The result set can be ranked by Documents, Citable Documents, Citations, Self-Citations, Citation per Document and H index
Display countries with at least
Set a threshold for number of published documents, citable documents or cites

Every country can be then analyzed separately, just click the country name's link to obtain an individual profile. This profile includes time series tables and charts to analyze significative metrics of country performance.

The individual profile offers the possibility to analyse the country for all subject areas together or by each specific subject area, and numerous indicators.
Indicators offered for each country: H Index, Documents, Citations, Citation per Document, Citable Documents and % of Citable Documents, External Cites and % of External Cites, Citable Documents and Non-Citable documents, the total output and its percentage over the region and over the world, Cited Documents and Uncited Documents, Documents by Subject Area, % of International Collaboration, External Cites and Self-Cites, % of Open Access Output. The series tables and charts offer the evolution for most of these indicators from 1996 to 2021. On the upper part of every chart there is a plus symbol, which you can click to get the indicator explanation.

Understanding indicators, tables and charts

Number of documents published during the selected year. It is usually called the country's scientific output.
Citable Documents
Selected year citable documents. Exclusively articles, reviews and conference papers are considered.
Non-citable Documents (Available in the graphics)
Non-citable documents ratio for the period being considered.
Number of citations by the documents published during the source year, --i.e. citations in years X, X+1, X+2, X+3... to documents published during year X. When referred to the period 1996-2021, all published documents during this period are considered.
Citations per Document
Average citations per document published during the source year, --i.e. citations in years X, X+1, X+2, X+3... to documents published during year X. When referred to the period 1996-2021, all published documents during this period are considered.
Self Citations
Country self-citations. Number of self-citations of all dates received by the documents published during the source year, --i.e. self-citations in years X, X+1, X+2, X+3... to documents published during year X. When referred to the period 1996-2021, all published documents during this period are considered.
Self Citations per Document
Average country's self-citations (of all times) per document published during the source year, --i.e. self-citations in years X, X+1, X+2, X+3... to documents published during year X.
Cited Documents
Number of documents cited at least once.
Uncited Documents
Number of uncited documents, i.e. documents that have never been cited.
H index
The h index is a country's number of articles (h) that have received at least h citations. It quantifies both country scientific productivity and scientific impact and it is also applicable to scientists, journals, etc. (see H-index wikipedia definition)
% International Collaboration
Document ratio whose affiliation includes more than one country address.
% Region
Country relative contribution to regional publication output.
% World
Country relative contribution to world publication output.


In addition to available data at SCImago Journal & Country Rank, you can also embed significative journal metrics into your web as a clickable image widget. The embedding includes 2010-2021 trends for the following values:

The widget may or may not display the journal title so it best fits to your website layout. The clickable image displayed on your site will lead to the journal full profile at SCImago Journal & Country Rank.

To embed the widget, just copy the code, select whether or not display the journal title, and paste it into your web or blog.

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