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Title Type SJR H index Total Docs. (2009) Total Docs. (3years) Total Refs. (2009) Total Cites (3years) Citable Docs. (3years) Cites / Doc. (2years) Ref. / Doc. (2009) %Female (2009)
1Journal of Cultural Heritage journal0.577847717719892461761.4125.8345.78FR
2Journal in Computer Virology journal0.518 Q10000000.000.000.00FR
3Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer ScienceOpen Access journal0.426 Q225247343939720.5018.2915.56FR
4RAIRO - Operations Research journal0.408 Q336308753231800.3417.7320.00FR
5Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances, EGC 2008 conference and proceedings0.3811010414.000.000.00FR
6RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications journal0.364 Q33136116866621110.4224.0633.33FR
7Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH conference and proceedings0.3141237661024985084610210.8312.8623.70FR
8Data Science JournalOpen Access journal0.242 Q228521771009661740.2719.4019.01FR
9WONS 2006 - 3rd International Conference on Wireless on Demand Network Systems and Services conference and proceedings0.23310026031250.000.000.00FR
10Journees Francophones des Langages Applicatifs, JFLA 2007 conference and proceedings0.222101402120.140.000.00FR
11Societe Francaise d'Energie Nucleaire - International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants - ICAPP 2007, 'The Nuclear Renaissance at Work' conference and proceedings0.212801610331590.200.000.00FR
12Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances, EGC 2006 conference and proceedings0.2062020620.000.000.00FR
13Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Speech Prosody, SP 2008 conference and proceedings0.1921701720521710.300.000.00FR
14Modelling, Measurement and Control B (discontinued) journal0.188 Q41121943578940.0317.0026.67FR
15Journal Europeen des Systemes Automatises journal0.163 Q422581511414531390.4724.3815.13FR
16Developing Ambient Intelligence - Proceedings of the First International Conference on Ambient Intelligence Developments, AmID 2006 conference and proceedings0.1323080460.000.000.00FR
17Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle journal0.132 Q422349593718870.1827.5620.51FR
186th International SPICE Conference on Software Process Improvement and Capability Determination, SPICE 2006 conference and proceedings0.131501609150.000.000.00FR
19Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances, EGC 2007 conference and proceedings0.1221010010.000.000.00FR
20WONS 2006 - 3rd International Conference on Wireless on Demand Network Systems and Services conference and proceedings0.1221010110.000.000.00FR
215th International Conference on Digital Enterprise Technology, DET 2008 conference and proceedings0.1206053013510.250.000.00FR
22CORIA 2006: Actes de la Troisieme Conference en Recherche d'Information et Applications - Proceedings of the Third Conference on Information Retrieval and Applications conference and proceedings0.119504609450.000.000.00FR
23CORIA 2008: Cinquieme Conference en Recherche d'Information et Applications - Fifth Conference on Information Retrieval and Applications conference and proceedings0.112504407430.160.000.00FR
24CORIA 2007: Actes de la Quatrieme Conference en Recherche d'Information et Applications - Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Information Retrieval and Applications conference and proceedings0.111503904380.100.000.00FR
25ENC-GNSS 2008 - European Navigation Conference conference and proceedings0.110801990291980.150.000.00FR
262nd Conference Francophone sur les Architectures Logicielles, CAL 2008 conference and proceedings0.109201302120.150.000.00FR
2733rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics 2006, EPS 2006 conference and proceedings0.10920203052020.000.000.00FR
28WMSCI 2008 - The 12th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Jointly with the 14th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis, ISAS 2008 - Proc. conference and proceedings0.109904950654840.130.000.00FR
29CIGRE Symposium Osaka 2007: System Development and Asset Management under Restructuring conference and proceedings0.1084049010480.200.000.00FR
30WMSCI 2006 - The 10th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Jointly with the 12th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis, ISAS 2006 - Proc. conference and proceedings0.108407104700.000.000.00FR
31IC 2008: Ingenierie des Connaissances 2008 - Proceedings of the 19th French Knowledge Engineering Conference conference and proceedings0.104402207210.320.000.00FR
32Journees Francophones des Langages Applicatifs, JFLA 2008 conference and proceedings0.104301201110.080.000.00FR
33Revue Francaise de Photogrammetrie et de TeledetectionOpen Access journal0.104 Q41012117231101050.0619.2520.00FR
34WMSCI 2006 - The 10th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Jointly with the 12th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis, ISAS 2006 - Proc. conference and proceedings0.104603630313570.110.000.00FR
35Actes du XXIVeme Congres INFORSID 2006 conference and proceedings0.103405809570.000.000.00FR
36Alcatel Telecommunications Review trade journal0.103 Q4807803710.000.000.00FR
37Modelling, Measurement and Control A (discontinued) journal0.103 Q4824573511570.0314.6312.90FR
38Modelling, Measurement and Control C (discontinued) journal0.103 Q4810672302660.0023.0018.18FR
39CFIP 2006 - Colloque Francophone sur l'Ingenierie des Protocoles conference and proceedings0.102203403330.000.000.00FR
40Journees Francophones des Langages Applicatifs, JFLA 2006 conference and proceedings0.102101301110.000.000.00FR
4117es Journees Francophones d'Ingenierie des Connaissances, IC 2006 conference and proceedings0.101301901180.000.000.00FR
42Actes de la Conference - IC 2007: 18es Journees Francophones d'Ingenierie des Connaissances conference and proceedings0.101303505330.140.000.00FR
43Information Systems and Collaboration: State of the Art and Perspectives - Best Papers of the 11th International Conference of the Association Information and Management, AIM 2006 conference and proceedings0.101502702260.000.000.00FR
44XXVeme Congres INFORSID 2007 - Informatique des Organisations et Systemes d'Information et de Decision conference and proceedings0.101303201310.030.000.00FR
45XXVIeme Congres INFORSID 2008 conference and proceedings0.101102301220.040.000.00FR
46Advances in Modelling and Analysis B journal0.100 Q4812782191780.0218.2550.00FR
47JFPC 2008 - Actes des quatriemes Journees Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes conference and proceedings0.100204801460.020.000.00FR
48SPACE APPLI 2008 - Space Applications Days conference and proceedings0.100207300720.000.000.00FR
49WMSCI 2007 - The 11th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Jointly with the 13th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis, ISAS 2007 - Proc. conference and proceedings0.1007124135155441330.0312.5323.25FR
50Acta AcusticaOpen Access journal7211133128523593210.8925.6913.58FR
Metrics based on Scopus® data as of March 2024
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