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1Informatica (Slovenia)Open Access journal0.382 Q3394415711121861481.1625.2718.81SI
219th Bled eConference "eValues" - Conference Proceedings conference and proceedings0.1189053028520.530.000.00SI
318th Bled eConference eIntegration in Action - Conference Proceedings conference and proceedings0.11610052030510.000.000.00SI
4Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Operational Research in Slovenia, SOR 2005 conference and proceedings0.114406604630.000.000.00SI
520th Bled eConference - eMergence: Merging and Emerging Technologies, Processes, and Institutions - Conference Proceedings conference and proceedings0.10210063022620.350.000.00SI
6Image Analysis and StereologyOpen Access journal30215644840560.7221.3322.22SI
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