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Title Type SJR H index Total Docs. (2008) Total Docs. (3years) Total Refs. (2008) Total Cites (3years) Citable Docs. (3years) Cites / Doc. (2years) Ref. / Doc. (2008) %Female (2008)
1Transportation Science journal3.666 Q11283611310763991112.4429.8921.98US
2Transportmetrica A: Transport Science journal1.353 Q150153941265392.3927.4715.63US
3Mobilization journal1.265 Q1501880113697760.8963.1150.00US
4Journal of Transportation EngineeringOpen Access journal0.702 Q2926431011923223000.9018.6317.73US
5Transportation Journal journal0.641 Q244165463597431.5139.6934.48US
6Turbo Codes and Related Topics; 6th International ITG-Conference on Source and Channel Coding (TURBOCODING), 2006 4th International Symposium on conference and proceedings0.43114015701231560.780.000.00US
72007 Mobile Networking for Vehicular Environments, MOVE conference and proceedings0.35515027033251.220.000.00US
8Electrical Performance of Electronic Packaging, EPEP conference and proceedings0.29311082063800.770.000.00US
9Journal of Transportation and Statistics journal0.212 Q313038012340.290.000.00US
10ITST 2007 - 7th International Conference on Intelligent Transport Systems Telecommunications, Proceedings conference and proceedings0.17614093057890.610.000.00US
11Research in Transportation Economics journal0.159 Q364461331129301260.2424.5412.70US
12Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA 5th ATIO and the AIAA 16th Lighter-than-Air Systems Technology Conference and Balloon Systems Conference conference and proceedings0.14613051027500.000.000.00US
13Proceedings of the Annual Meeting - Institute of Navigation conference and proceedings0.1401701810531790.390.000.00US
141st International Workshop on Wireless Networking for Intelligent Transportation Systems, WINITS '07 conference and proceedings0.1321050040.000.000.00US
15Special Report - National Research Council, Transportation Research Board journal0.123 Q31625195534160.1222.1218.52US
16Proceedings of the Electronic Packaging Technology Conference, EPTC conference and proceedings0.1221603430793400.230.000.00US
172007 14th IEEE Symposium on Communications and Vehicular Technology in the Benelux, SCVT conference and proceedings0.119803508340.230.000.00US
18TAC/ATC 2006 - 2006 Annual Conference and Exhibition of the Transportation Association of Canada: Transportation Without Boundaries conference and proceedings0.117609509940.090.000.00CA
19Public Roads trade journal0.111 Q4133110710191070.200.3228.79US
20TAC/ATC 2007 - 2007 Annual Conference and Exhibition of the Transportation Association of Canada: Transportation - An Economic Enabler conference and proceedings0.111608804870.050.000.00CA
2114th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, ITS 2007 conference and proceedings0.107603190363160.110.000.00US
22Transportation Quarterly journal0.104 Q4210160060.000.000.00US
232007 IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety, ICVES conference and proceedings0.1021305405530.090.000.00US
24American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Rail Transportation Division (Publication) RTD conference and proceedings0.10215090021830.310.000.00US
25Railway Gazette International trade journal0.102 Q470497073410.020.000.00US
26Aviation: A World of Growth - Proceedings of the 29th International Air Transport Conference, IATC 2007 conference and proceedings0.101302201210.050.000.00US
2746th Annual Transportation Research Forum 2005 conference and proceedings0.100204700460.000.000.00US
2847th Annual Transportation Research Forum 2006 conference and proceedings0.10050163011600.010.000.00US
29Institute of Transportation Engineers Annual Meeting and Exhibit 2007 conference and proceedings0.10050106001050.000.000.00US
30Railway Age trade journal0.100 Q440325022700.000.000.00US
31Journal of Transportation Security journal181011000.0011.000.00US
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