1 | Proceedings - International Symposium on Computer Architecture | conference and proceedings | 3.352 | 133 | 40 | 140 | 1213 | 1028 | 132 | 7.59 | 30.33 | 15.75 | |
2 | Journal of the ACM | journal | 3.301 Q1 | 140 | 28 | 93 | 976 | 388 | 91 | 3.35 | 34.86 | 10.77 | |
3 | Proceedings of the Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, MOBICOM | conference and proceedings | 3.173 | 148 | 133 | 141 | 2115 | 1272 | 132 | 6.76 | 15.90 | 17.23 | |
4 | ACM SIGCOMM 2007: Conference on Computer Communications | conference and proceedings | 3.122 | 28 | 0 | 36 | 0 | 316 | 35 | 8.78 | 0.00 | 0.00 | |
5 | VLDB 2006 - Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases | conference and proceedings | 2.703 | 34 | 0 | 56 | 0 | 395 | 53 | 7.05 | 0.00 | 0.00 | |
6 | Proceedings of the Annual International Symposium on Microarchitecture, MICRO | conference and proceedings | 2.583 | 124 | 43 | 117 | 1316 | 521 | 108 | 4.98 | 30.60 | 12.50 | |
7 | Proceedings of the ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems | conference and proceedings | 2.525 | 88 | 33 | 109 | 854 | 458 | 105 | 3.74 | 25.88 | 7.89 | |
8 | Proceedings - International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture | conference and proceedings | 2.316 | 97 | 36 | 102 | 989 | 553 | 96 | 5.14 | 27.47 | 12.73 | |
9 | International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems - ASPLOS | conference and proceedings | 1.900 | 106 | 14 | 66 | 253 | 283 | 63 | 4.29 | 18.07 | 3.45 | |
10 | Proceedings of the International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MobiHoc) | conference and proceedings | 1.771 | 91 | 97 | 100 | 1671 | 646 | 93 | 6.15 | 17.23 | 24.19 | |
11 | VLDB Journal | journal | 1.598 Q1 | 97 | 67 | 72 | 2785 | 345 | 68 | 4.47 | 41.57 | 19.21 | |
12 | IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers | journal | 1.561 | 181 | 325 | 777 | 8451 | 2532 | 764 | 3.00 | 26.00 | 16.12 | |
13 | Proceedings of the 2006 EuroSys Conference | conference and proceedings | 1.543 | 24 | 0 | 29 | 0 | 168 | 28 | 5.79 | 0.00 | 0.00 | |
14 | Proceedings of the Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing | conference and proceedings | 1.378 | 77 | 88 | 180 | 1089 | 358 | 175 | 1.63 | 12.38 | 17.68 | |
15 | Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM 2006 - Conference on Applications, Technologies, Architectures, and Protocols for Computer Communication | conference and proceedings | 1.321 | 10 | 0 | 12 | 0 | 62 | 11 | 5.17 | 0.00 | 0.00 | |
16 | IEEE Network | journal | 1.247 Q1 | 151 | 52 | 139 | 635 | 654 | 114 | 4.08 | 12.21 | 22.67 | |
17 | Proceedings - Design Automation Conference | conference and proceedings | 1.242 | 130 | 188 | 614 | 2682 | 1797 | 609 | 2.84 | 14.27 | 15.83 | |
18 | 33rd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, VLDB 2007 - Conference Proceedings | conference and proceedings | 1.227 | 56 | 0 | 150 | 0 | 503 | 147 | 3.35 | 0.00 | 0.00 | |
19 | IEEE Micro | journal | 1.037 Q1 | 103 | 51 | 200 | 550 | 610 | 172 | 2.57 | 10.78 | 10.56 | |
20 | International Journal of Human Computer Studies | journal | 1.020 Q1 | 145 | 66 | 217 | 3223 | 791 | 207 | 3.51 | 48.83 | 30.51 | |
21 | SOSP'07 - Proceedings of 21st ACM SIGOPS Symposium on Operating Systems Principles | conference and proceedings | 1.004 | 21 | 0 | 25 | 0 | 97 | 23 | 3.88 | 0.00 | 0.00 | |
22 | Annual ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures | conference and proceedings | 0.999 | 54 | 55 | 130 | 1028 | 212 | 125 | 1.73 | 18.69 | 10.63 | |
23 | IEEE Computer Architecture Letters | journal | 0.952 Q1 | 40 | 17 | 33 | 219 | 66 | 33 | 2.03 | 12.88 | 9.62 | |
24 | Journal of Database Management | journal | 0.927 Q1 | 36 | 23 | 63 | 1086 | 198 | 58 | 2.24 | 47.22 | 25.00 | |
25 | Proceedings of the 2006 ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Memory Systems Performance and Correctness, MSPC 2006 | conference and proceedings | 0.910 | 7 | 0 | 13 | 0 | 28 | 12 | 2.15 | 0.00 | 0.00 | |
26 | IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems | journal | 0.866 Q1 | 159 | 128 | 359 | 4016 | 1152 | 345 | 2.90 | 31.38 | 21.34 | |
27 | IEEE Transactions on Computers | journal | 0.859 Q1 | 141 | 140 | 437 | 3975 | 1259 | 422 | 2.57 | 28.39 | 16.88 | |
28 | Networks | journal | 0.843 Q1 | 72 | 55 | 155 | 1319 | 157 | 151 | 0.81 | 23.98 | 22.95 | |
29 | Proceedings - Real-Time Systems Symposium | conference and proceedings | 0.829 | 86 | 47 | 130 | 1015 | 286 | 123 | 2.24 | 21.60 | 18.46 | |
30 | World Wide Web | journal | 0.806 Q1 | 58 | 19 | 66 | 660 | 148 | 60 | 2.09 | 34.74 | 25.86 | |
31 | Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques - Conference Proceedings, PACT | conference and proceedings | 0.803 | 75 | 44 | 153 | 1112 | 282 | 145 | 1.60 | 25.27 | 16.15 | |
32 | IEEE Design and Test | journal | 0.783 Q1 | 85 | 77 | 227 | 561 | 583 | 182 | 1.55 | 7.29 | 11.04 | |
33 | International Symposium on Memory Management, ISMM | conference and proceedings | 0.777 | 31 | 18 | 36 | 430 | 62 | 34 | 1.72 | 23.89 | 11.11 | |
34 | Proceedings - Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems | conference and proceedings | 0.773 | 65 | 34 | 85 | 716 | 217 | 79 | 2.64 | 21.06 | 12.09 | |
35 | Journal of Instruction-Level Parallelism | journal | 0.764 Q1 | 20 | 9 | 20 | 169 | 44 | 20 | 1.80 | 18.78 | 16.67 | |
36 | Proceedings of the 2006 SIGCOMM Workshop on Large-scale Attack Defense, LSAD'06 | conference and proceedings | 0.752 | 9 | 0 | 12 | 0 | 26 | 11 | 2.17 | 0.00 | 0.00 | |
37 | ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications | journal | 0.728 Q1 | 63 | 45 | 65 | 1559 | 291 | 63 | 4.49 | 34.64 | 20.57 | |
38 | MobiSys'07: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications and Services | conference and proceedings | 0.717 | 18 | 0 | 23 | 0 | 96 | 22 | 4.17 | 0.00 | 0.00 | |
39 | Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware | conference and proceedings | 0.707 | 44 | 13 | 44 | 191 | 153 | 39 | 3.52 | 14.69 | 9.68 | |
40 | International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining | journal | 0.692 Q2 | 25 | 23 | 54 | 454 | 94 | 51 | 1.46 | 19.74 | 21.54 | |
41 | Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering, GPCE'06 | conference and proceedings | 0.690 | 15 | 0 | 32 | 0 | 75 | 31 | 2.34 | 0.00 | 0.00 | |
42 | Proceedings - Fifth Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications, PerCom 2007 | conference and proceedings | 0.674 | 4 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 11 | 4 | 2.20 | 0.00 | 0.00 | |
43 | ASID'06: 1st Workshop on Architectural and System Support for Improving Software Dependability | conference and proceedings | 0.665 | 9 | 0 | 13 | 0 | 33 | 12 | 2.54 | 0.00 | 0.00 | |
44 | Journal of Systems and Software | journal | 0.645 Q2 | 128 | 172 | 425 | 5791 | 857 | 410 | 1.90 | 33.67 | 19.65 | |
45 | Proceedings of the 2006 International Workshop on Global Integrated Model Management, GaMMa 2006, co-located with the 28th International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE 2006 | conference and proceedings | 0.637 | 6 | 0 | 9 | 0 | 27 | 8 | 3.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | |
46 | IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems | journal | 0.636 Q2 | 119 | 176 | 421 | 4219 | 922 | 412 | 1.99 | 23.97 | 13.83 | |
47 | Systems Engineering | journal | 0.630 Q2 | 58 | 24 | 66 | 798 | 166 | 66 | 2.38 | 33.25 | 19.57 | |
48 | Operating Systems Review (ACM) | journal | 0.616 | 108 | 128 | 247 | 3108 | 443 | 235 | 1.83 | 24.28 | 14.81 | |
49 | CODES+ISSS 2007: International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis | conference and proceedings | 0.605 | 17 | 0 | 48 | 0 | 78 | 47 | 1.63 | 0.00 | 0.00 | |
50 | Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Computer Design: VLSI in Computers and Processors | conference and proceedings | 0.596 | 52 | 0 | 112 | 0 | 181 | 110 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | |