Title | Type | SJR | H index | Total Docs. (2008) | Total Docs. (3years) | Total Refs. (2008) | Total Cites (3years) | Citable Docs. (3years) | Cites / Doc. (2years) | Ref. / Doc. (2008) | %Female (2008) | ||
1 | Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare (C) Analyse Non Lineaire | journal | 2.184 Q1 | 76 | 56 | 128 | 1520 | 165 | 128 | 0.97 | 27.14 | 20.37 | |
2 | Communications in Mathematical Physics | journal | 1.804 Q1 | 154 | 224 | 696 | 6816 | 1498 | 695 | 2.14 | 30.43 | 8.59 | |
3 | Journal of Noncommutative Geometry | journal | 0.595 Q3 | 25 | 13 | 14 | 432 | 11 | 14 | 0.79 | 33.23 | 19.23 | |
4 | Journal of Applied Analysis | journal | 0.402 Q3 | 18 | 22 | 58 | 326 | 19 | 58 | 0.25 | 14.82 | 17.65 | |
5 | Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung - Section A Journal of Physical Sciences | journal | 0.318 Q4 | 53 | 122 | 343 | 3200 | 291 | 343 | 0.81 | 26.23 | 22.65 | |
6 | Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico dell 'Universita' di Padova/Mathematical Journal of the University of Padova | journal | 0.264 Q4 | 25 | 18 | 77 | 272 | 24 | 71 | 0.20 | 15.11 | 22.22 | |
7 | Interaction of Mechanics and Mathematics | book series | 0.101 Q4 | 6 | 0 | 20 | 0 | 0 | 19 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
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