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Title Type SJR H index Total Docs. (2008) Total Docs. (3years) Total Refs. (2008) Total Cites (3years) Citable Docs. (3years) Cites / Doc. (2years) Ref. / Doc. (2008) %Female (2008)
1Climate Research journal1.084 Q11215516928823301571.8852.4027.81DE
2International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment journal0.885 Q11317123921594002061.6830.4131.61DE
3Geo-Marine Letters journal0.798 Q165351001512138961.3443.2021.70DE
4Abhandlungen der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft book series0.632 Q213040944.500.000.00DE
5Radiation and Environmental Biophysics journal0.629 Q2585912620282071191.7934.3730.63DE
6Environmental Monitoring and Assessment journal0.568 Q2142443106614564136710631.1632.8832.23DE
7Fibres and Textiles in Eastern Europe journal0.514 Q24411130316661632980.4915.0147.86DE
8Annals of Regional Science journal0.498 Q2775414619001281430.7835.1921.55DE
9GAIA journal0.385 Q238651471270711210.6019.5426.61DE
10Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung journal0.250 Q214541811343281550.1924.8724.31DE
11DWI Reports journal0.201 Q340146081460.080.000.00DE
12Technische Textilien trade journal0.128 Q3872224185122190.042.5723.21DE
13Englera book series0.119 Q49090270.250.000.00DE
14NATO Security through Science Series C: Environmental Security book series0.112 Q4191284864965374750.0738.7935.22DE
15Natur und Recht journal0.111 Q49175366376392990.0221.5012.94DE
16Standort journal0.11173113218921080.026.1037.78DE
17European Water Management Online journal0.100 Q41003903390.050.000.00DE
18Arabian Journal of Geosciences (discontinued)Open Access journal75110397000.0036.0918.18DE
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