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Title Type SJR H index Total Docs. (2023) Total Docs. (3years) Total Refs. (2023) Total Cites (3years) Citable Docs. (3years) Cites / Doc. (2years) Ref. / Doc. (2023) %Female (2023)
1TheranosticsOpen Access journal2.912 Q115831718642495123193186411.5878.7141.55AU
2International Journal of NanomedicineOpen Access journal1.273 Q11794431559337311284015546.7476.1443.56NZ
3Drug Design, Development and TherapyOpen Access journal0.999 Q194271114113688585511364.8950.5145.28NZ
4NanotheranosticsOpen Access journal0.988 Q13233922360512885.6771.5240.83AU
5Biomarker InsightsOpen Access journal0.974 Q140967468246593.3452.0050.00NZ
6Nanotechnology, Science and ApplicationsOpen Access journal0.848 Q135526302170265.5360.4061.11NZ
7Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and ObesityOpen Access journal0.835 Q264368125916211417412432.8844.0548.16NZ
8Journal of Experimental PharmacologyOpen Access journal0.778 Q2234115318685781523.7645.5630.72NZ
9Therapeutics and Clinical Risk ManagementOpen Access journal0.752 Q1709035741899863522.3546.5438.52NZ
10Infection and Drug ResistanceOpen Access journal0.743 Q265698173327973578417012.8740.0844.32NZ
11Patient Preference and AdherenceOpen Access journal0.647 Q1673017771210318917642.1840.2152.17NZ
12Drug, Healthcare and Patient SafetyOpen Access journal0.571 Q3301676757205762.5247.3138.71NZ
13Open Access Journal of Clinical TrialsOpen Access journal0.561 Q1151155431141.1154.0037.50NZ
14Pharmacogenomics and Personalized MedicineOpen Access journal0.508 Q3379530342405823011.9444.6342.08NZ
15Fluoride - Quarterly ReportsOpen Access journal0.178 Q4514574157945650.4935.0956.05NZ
16Journal of Angiotherapy journal0.106 Q42405716234570.0740.5837.37AU
Metrics based on Scopus® data as of March 2024
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