Title | Type | SJR | H index | Total Docs. (2023) | Total Docs. (3years) | Total Refs. (2023) | Total Cites (3years) | Citable Docs. (3years) | Cites / Doc. (2years) | Ref. / Doc. (2023) | %Female (2023) | ||
1 | LOGI - Scientific Journal on Transport and Logistics | journal | 0.303 Q2 | 8 | 30 | 67 | 794 | 95 | 67 | 1.35 | 26.47 | 44.30 | |
2 | Archives of Transport | journal | 0.300 Q2 | 18 | 36 | 112 | 1437 | 162 | 112 | 1.29 | 39.92 | 30.84 | |
3 | Transport Problems | journal | 0.239 Q3 | 20 | 72 | 214 | 1865 | 192 | 214 | 0.85 | 25.90 | 26.00 | |
4 | Scientific Journal of Silesian University of Technology. Series Transport | journal | 0.178 Q4 | 9 | 68 | 204 | 2007 | 135 | 204 | 0.64 | 29.51 | 26.90 | |
5 | Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering | journal | 0.145 Q4 | 17 | 0 | 21 | 0 | 10 | 21 | 0.21 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
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