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Title Type SJR H index Total Docs. (2008) Total Docs. (3years) Total Refs. (2008) Total Cites (3years) Citable Docs. (3years) Cites / Doc. (2years) Ref. / Doc. (2008) %Female (2008)
1Physics of Fluids journal1.738203501171115134328216641.6930.2113.19US
2Experiments in Fluids journal1.607 Q1142167494473111614902.1928.3312.15DE
3International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer journal1.526 Q1251578143414979345914242.0925.9216.60GB
4Journal of Aerosol Science journal1.3981248830724848103022.4728.2318.68GB
5Shock and Vibration Digest journal1.395 Q139018084185.080.000.00US
6Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics journal1.354 Q1662579797191773.1631.8810.64US
7Applied Thermal Engineering journal1.151206259844545514528351.6521.0618.08GB
8International Journal of Multiphase Flow journal1.105 Q11409522828744382271.8730.2513.46GB
9International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow journal0.987 Q112614430541665552961.5828.9311.78NL
10Science and Technology for the Built Environment journal0.867 Q1716016813521251500.6622.5313.79GB
11Advances in Heat Transfer book series0.782 Q136013021111.620.000.00US
12Fluid Dynamics Research journal0.764 Q1574613813861861351.2330.1311.36GB
13Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science journal0.722 Q113712534228914073391.1023.1317.28US
14Biomicrofluidics journal0.71578162437741221.7123.5632.31US
15Heat and Mass Transfer journal0.637 Q18415735831893033560.8420.3115.69DE
16Journal of Environmental Planning and Management journal0.583 Q2864413320661941311.1246.9532.69GB
17Heat Transfer Engineering journal0.559 Q27910529424932652690.8223.7410.36GB
18Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer journal0.512769629822243042950.9823.1715.20US
19VSSN 2005 - Proceedings of the 3rd ACM International Workshop on Video Surveillance and Sensor Networks, co-located with ACM Multimedia 2005 conference and proceedings0.34310021039190.000.000.00US
20Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer journal0.323 Q237257443230730.4117.2815.91US
21International AgrophysicsOpen Access journal0.252 Q249431511028521510.3423.9128.72DE
22Fluid Dynamics journal0.226 Q2281072791487602780.2213.9021.64US
23International Journal of Sustainable EnergyOpen Access journal0.223 Q242164927416480.1617.1315.15GB
24Turkish Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences journal0.218 Q23738111803571100.4021.1316.00TR
25Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design book series0.214 Q2281172361264582360.2510.809.86DE
2617th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference conference and proceedings0.20215091043900.000.000.00US
27Technologia del Agua journal0.192 Q26143371904133470.026.3240.38US
28Russian Meteorology and Hydrology journal0.188 Q2241112781838392780.1816.5647.43US
294th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena conference and proceedings0.186701510271480.000.000.00US
30JSME International Journal, Series B: Fluids and Thermal Engineering journal0.181 Q239028701422850.510.000.00JP
31International Journal of Heat and TechnologyOpen Access journal0.180 Q33444123760151230.1017.2712.79IT
32Fluid Mechanics and its Applications book series0.169 Q32010212916342110.1891.600.00DE
33WaterOpen Access journal0.158 Q317133330700342710.135.2622.31AU
34Osterreichische Wasser- Und Abfallwirtschaft (discontinued) journal0.157 Q313401003158960.057.8815.79AT
35Traffic and Granular Flow 2003 conference and proceedings0.157703101280.000.000.00DE
36Computational Methods in Applied Sciences book series0.154 Q3296884136117740.2520.0112.90NL
37American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Heat Transfer Division, (Publication) HTD conference and proceedings0.1522804980774930.170.000.00US
38Structural Health Monitoring 2007: Quantification, Validation, and Implementation - Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, IWSHM 2007 conference and proceedings0.1521102460852430.350.000.00US
39Proceedings, Annual Technical Conference - Society of Vacuum Coaters conference and proceedings0.1501501490351480.000.000.00US
40Ocean and Polar ResearchOpen Access journal0.142 Q316481261211161200.1025.2331.20KR
41Heat Transfer - Asian Research journal0.141 Q30000000.000.000.00US
42American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Manufacturing Engineering Division, MED conference and proceedings0.1362904080803920.190.000.00US
43Journal of Hydrology and HydromechanicsOpen Access journal0.134 Q33523265098260.3122.1332.69DE
44Ultrapure Water trade journal0.133 Q3104111523991070.085.838.77US
453rd M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics conference and proceedings0.1311103030433020.000.000.00US
46Proceedings of the 1st European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference, EuMIC 2006 conference and proceedings0.1312030130.330.000.00US
47Water 21 trade journal0.130 Q31303330172390.070.000.00GB
48Techniques - Sciences - Methodes journal0.124 Q410105382658113410.036.2730.19FR
492005 Conference on High Density Microsystem Design and Packaging and Component Failure Analysis, HDP'05 conference and proceedings0.1221010010.000.000.00US
50Proceedings of the 16th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, 16AFMC conference and proceedings0.1211602540242520.090.000.00US
Metrics based on Scopus® data as of March 2024
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